
Dharma Code.

The four principles of Total Transformation.

Truth: Living your life honestly, being true to yourself and your needs. When something is false we are inflicting pain upon ourselves. This could be staying in a relationship or job that does not serve your true nature.

Purity: Is the life you are living supporting you, your true nature, others and the environment.

Non-Harming: Non-harming in truth, purity and discipline. Many operate from a place of lack and become focused to get to the top regardless who they walk over to get there.

Discipline: Focus your efforts in truth, purity and non-harming. Remain committed with passion and purpose.

The Dharma code brings all dimensions into focus, they are intertwined and interdependent, blending into one another awakening our true potential.


What mark would you wish to imprint upon the World as a Divine Feminine?

