Heidi Lawton Heidi Lawton

What mark would you wish to imprint upon the World as a Divine Feminine?

Quite a loaded question. The world seems to be in turmoil right now or is it our perception of the world that is fueled by fear, hate and negative propaganda?

When we make a conscious choice to be in the world from a deep sense of Love and Compassion perhaps this grip of fear based humanity can begin to dissolve.

Our deep work my sisters begins in our Wombs. Our Wombs are the creation of all life, birthing new possibilities, new ways of being, of living. When we heal our Wombs we heal not only ourselves but those that have gone before and those that have yet to become.

We begin by moving inwards. Connecting to our hearts and our Womb space. Healing our mind & body in all its layers, returning to wholeness so we are equipped with the tools to open our hearts to others, to become that healing light, that beacon of hope for humanity, for all sentient and non-sentient beings.

This is the mark I wish to make. To heal the feminine lineage, to harness the power within so collectively we may be of loving service to all others.

Om Shantih

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Heidi Lawton Heidi Lawton


The Dharma Code Continued

Dharma Code.

The four principles of Total Transformation.

Truth: Living your life honestly, being true to yourself and your needs. When something is false we are inflicting pain upon ourselves. This could be staying in a relationship or job that does not serve your true nature.

Purity: Is the life you are living supporting you, your true nature, others and the environment.

Non-Harming: Non-harming in truth, purity and discipline. Many operate from a place of lack and become focused to get to the top regardless who they walk over to get there.

Discipline: Focus your efforts in truth, purity and non-harming. Remain committed with passion and purpose.

The Dharma code brings all dimensions into focus, they are intertwined and interdependent, blending into one another awakening our true potential.

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Heidi Lawton Heidi Lawton


The Dharma Code

The Dharma Code.

I was greatly inspired by the Author & Speaker-Simon Hass, and his books ‘Yoga and The Dark Night of the Soul-The souls journey to Sacred love’ and ‘The Book of Dharma’. You can find his beautiful offerings: simonhass.com

The four Domains in Language.

Being: Living in accord with Being. Experiencing Life.

Relating: Respecting of all sentient and non sentient beings. With Love, compassion and non-harming.

Differentiating: Being aware of what elevates us and what degrades us, those around us and our environment.

Doing: Harnessing and using our full energy and our full potential.

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Heidi Lawton Heidi Lawton


My Personal Dharma

The Dark Night Of My Soul continues: We are all spiritual beings living out a Human Journey. A few reflections upon my personal experience of each monthly cycle as I ebb and flow.

In meditation and each day and every moment of my life , I enter the cave of Darkness. The void. Emerging into the light.

Yet not fully experienced but glimpses.

In this physical incarnation, this life. Brings forth physical and emotional trauma to the surface. From my past, my past lives, my linages.

Memories buried deep within, locked away.

I can feel and experience the trauma held in my teeth, jaw, cheekbones. The energy of the trauma looking for an escape route, trapped, moving, rything, crawling.

Moments where I sense the true illusion of life, what I see through the many lenses of perception and the truth when I go within. Emptiness. Hollow. Full.

The intellectual understanding bears no meaning.

I move on. Open to the direct experience and understand.

This hidden dimension of life is Dharma. The dimension of divinity.

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Heidi Lawton Heidi Lawton


However the Dharma Wind blows

Personal Dharma: Svadharma.

We all are blessed with a very precise and particular nature. This particular nature reveals our special role and purpose in this life. However if we are to discover this role we must bring forth those parts of us that require healing and bring ourselves into alignment and wholeness. Our health and wellbeing greatly depends upon discovering our nature to live a long and harmonious life.

Using our intuition and embodied wisdom through healing our body, mind and spirit, we look to our diet, meditation and other spiritual practices to heal. When we consciously free ourselves from poor habits of inferiority, self harm and selfishness we can awaken to our true potential.

Whichever way the dharma wind may blow we remain anchored, aligned, open and receptive.

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